somatic Therapy - trauma

Why Somatic Therapy?

Somatic therapy has been shown to be more effective than traditional talk therapy for the healing of trauma, anxiety, dissociation, and feelings of stuckness. While talk therapy primarily focuses on verbal communication and cognitive processes, somatic therapy engages with the subconscious by going deeper into the nervous system and memory held in the body.

In somatic therapy, we recognize that trauma is stored in the body. By working directly with these physical sensations, we can release this energy, facilitating a profound healing process. Through this body-centered approach, you can develop a deeper connection with yourself, fostering resilience and promoting long-term recovery.

“Being fully embodied and the ability to feel the full spectrum of your sensations and emotions is your birthright.”

In our sessions I will help you reconnect with your body, which may not have felt safe in the past. Together, we will gently and gradually explore your sensations through mindfulness, movement, and meditation. By paying close attention to the body's signals, we can begin to understand and release the trapped survival energy that got frozen in your body. This trapped energy can manifest as chronic tension, pain, or emotional blockages.

I can help teach you somatic skills such as:

Grounding: Grounding helps you stay connected to the present moment using your five senses.

Resourcing: Resourcing helps you to generate an internal felt sense of safety that you can call upon when you’re dysregulated.

Pendulation: Pendulation involves oscillating between something that a resource and something that is uncomfortable, allowing for regulated processing of trauma.

Titration: Titration helps us safely process hard experiences in managable chunks.

These somatic skills can help you feel safer and more present in your body and mind, and are the foundation for healing trauma.